Canyon Bouquet Aura Spray


This Essence spray invokes the nurturing energetics of the chaparral canyons. Divine earth mother healing for everyone’s inner child. 

made with essential oils of lavender and rosemary, flower essences of mariposa lily, purple sage, brodiaea, phaecelia, wild oats and milkweed. 

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This Essence spray invokes the nurturing energetics of the chaparral canyons. Divine earth mother healing for everyone’s inner child. 

made with essential oils of lavender and rosemary, flower essences of mariposa lily, purple sage, brodiaea, phaecelia, wild oats and milkweed. 

This Essence spray invokes the nurturing energetics of the chaparral canyons. Divine earth mother healing for everyone’s inner child. 

made with essential oils of lavender and rosemary, flower essences of mariposa lily, purple sage, brodiaea, phaecelia, wild oats and milkweed.