Offerings Oracle
Offerings Oracle is a 33 card indie Oracle Deck channeled and co-created by Kaitlyn Graña and their Good Spirits; a vessel crafted to deepen your connection with your Spirits Wise and Well through the loving ritual of offerings.
Dedicated to understanding the desires of our Spirits, practitioners who commune with the sacred tool receive clear insight into the proclivities of the Spirits of their altars.
In getting to know our Good Spirits, in tending to the altars and leaving the offerings, we open the doors to our own desires and destinies.
Offerings Oracle is a 33 card indie Oracle Deck channeled and co-created by Kaitlyn Graña and their Good Spirits; a vessel crafted to deepen your connection with your Spirits Wise and Well through the loving ritual of offerings.
Dedicated to understanding the desires of our Spirits, practitioners who commune with the sacred tool receive clear insight into the proclivities of the Spirits of their altars.
In getting to know our Good Spirits, in tending to the altars and leaving the offerings, we open the doors to our own desires and destinies.
Offerings Oracle is a 33 card indie Oracle Deck channeled and co-created by Kaitlyn Graña and their Good Spirits; a vessel crafted to deepen your connection with your Spirits Wise and Well through the loving ritual of offerings.
Dedicated to understanding the desires of our Spirits, practitioners who commune with the sacred tool receive clear insight into the proclivities of the Spirits of their altars.
In getting to know our Good Spirits, in tending to the altars and leaving the offerings, we open the doors to our own desires and destinies.