New Moon in Virgo- Portal to the Final Pluto in Capricorn

Virgo, in my opinion, is one of the most elusive signs in the zodiac. Often oversimplified as perfectionist and detail oriented, I like to remind people that Virgo represents the body, and in medical astrology, the digestive tract. “This doesn’t feel good, so I’m not going to do it anymore”- a quintessential evolved Virgo statement, Virgo knows when to say no- but only when the work they are doing on whatever part of their life has dried. Because Virgo is also associated with service, a Virgo has no problem committing to the work if they see signs of growth and can realistically hope for the fruits of their labour to be plentiful. But an evolved Virgo knows when to let go, when to move on, because they are connected with that feeling in their body that says “Enough!”

So a Virgo New Moon, wherever it falls in your chart, is a good lesson in this. What doesn’t feel good anymore? And of course, not everything is supposed to feel good, hard work can be tedious but should produce results. Hard work with no results are a leakage of energy, a road to despair. 

Monday’s New Moon, however, is a very special lunation- because early next year we move into the Virgo/Pisces nodal axis, with Virgo as the south node. That means that for the next year and a half, we will be called to release the less evolved and more shadow Virgo qualities- such as perfectionism, while evolved quantities of Pisces, such as creativity, will be at the forefront of our collective consciousness. 

Not only that- but the day before the new moon, Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn for the last time in more than 200 years. Pluto is the outermost planet in our solar system, and thus, the slowest moving- Pluto takes around 20 years to fully transit through a sign or a house, so it’s effects are thought of as a “slow burn”- felt on a collective, societal level, but it also affects us individually. Pluto is the proverbial shadow, what is unseen in the world at large, specifically related to power dynamics (especially in terms of “power over”, hierarchy and privilege) death, ego, and importantly- transformation and redemption. When we go through a hard transit with Pluto to one of our inner planets, I refer to it as a “no returns” moment- Pluto tells us we have to options- to evolve or die. And this isn’t often an easy process, it is one of deep shedding, but one that in the end, will enrich our lives deeply. 

So, Pluto first entered Capricorn in 2008- astrologers often note the bank crash as the beginning of this transit, as Capricorn represents structure and status quo. Aquarius, on the other hand, while also ruled by Saturn, represents the collective, technology, innovation and liberation. 

While Pluto has been visiting Aquarius since last year, it retrogrades for about half the year, and this move back into Capricorn will be it’s last before moving into Aquarius for good until 2043. 

So bringing this back to the New Moon in Virgo- what is it in your life that you are ready to say “This doesn’t feel good anymore, so I’m not going to do it anymore.” and to release that old, maybe life long pattern for the final time. 

Below are some horoscopes written for how this big, bold, transformative transit might affect you starting September 2nd until November 17th. Read for your Sun and Rising Signs!

Aries- These are heavy times for you in terms of understanding your role in the larger structure, and many themes that have come into your life in the last several years regarding leadership and public position will be coming back into your life. How are you when you navigate positions of power over others? If there are things related to these themes that you worked through in the recent past, but don't feel resolved, your opportunity for resolution could come in these next two months- make sure to really listen and integrate the messages that others might have for you, from an open heart without defensiveness.

Taurus- It’s likely that your day to day interactions will come under scrutiny in these months- stubborn Taurus is known for a strong point of view, but the fire of Pluto can bend even the hardest conviction. Be careful before taking a stand openly, or sharing resources- make sure you have your facts straight before speaking with an authority that you might not have. Open your mind to new perspectives, even reflect on times you were sure you were right and maybe, you actually weren’t… and what does that even mean anyways? 

Gemini- In these times, you are going to be called to do something that is uncomfortable- to feel your feelings in your body, not think your thoughts in your head. Remember, “overthinking is under feeling!” This might be a chaotic time for your mind, but be careful who you choose to process these moments with. What you say can come back to you- be sure to fact check and don’t spread rumors! Don’t believe everything you hear! It might be a time to keep quiet, to pull back and go inward. Creativity is important now, centering health and wellness, listening to the stories of others. There are other times of year good for creating the lore, but this probably isn’t it!

Cancer- Don’t be too hard on yourself Cancer, because we all know when you are hard on yourself, you can project it outwards into places it doesn’t belong. Your shadow work around taking on responsibility for other people’s emotions and mistakes can cause you to become bitter and resentful, so the next couple of months are powerful for you in terms of working on and honoring boundaries. Withdraw if you need to, go inward to reflect, but never feel that it’s your responsibility to change the tides of the oceans, they will go the way they want anyways. Instead fix your compass to the waters of your own heart. 

Leo- in so many ways, you’ve been watching others go through the transits of Pluto in these last years, while luck has often appear on your side, allowing you to feel most unscathed by the wrath of the shadow. Obviously things isn’t entirely true for all of you, but it appears that in these last years you’ve been acquiring skills for resilience and even extending generosity and love to those who have struggled the most. In the coming months, you may be called upon to offer this support, and do so readily, but not without an acknowledgement that reciprocity is sustainability- you will need to call on your loved ones in the future and hope they can provide the same support. 

Virgo- The moon is on your side, Virgo- these energies have put you in touch with a deep layer of grief that exists below a need to control and predict. And yet, Virgo, remember to take your own advice- if it doesn’t feel good, if the fruits of your labour are not abundant,it’s time to walk away. The only thing we can control is ourselves- our reactions, the way we walk down our paths. And remember, the obstacles are part of your path. Doing work around surrendering is important for you during this time. And looking at all the beauty and pleasure and abundance that comes to you when you walk away from what isn’t right. 

Libra- I know you don’t like to hear it, but people pleasing IS a form of manipulation, Libra. And your unwillingness to have the hard conversations can turn you into the backstabbing gossip you pretend to be so against. It’s actually cute to be messy sometimes, to show up as your unhealed self. Even if you make a mistake, even if you cause harm, the ones who are meant to stay will work with you to get up from the fall. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but beauty is also skin deep. Authenticity is the place you want to move from.

Scorpio- Pluto energy is comfortable for you, as it is the modern ruler of your sign- but remember to take it as a place to grow and be humbled, not a way to sneakily seek more power and control. Scorpio, you are a creative and intuitive mastermind, but sometimes people don’t like to feel tricked by the ways you try to hid all the ways that you feel. The search for power- in your own life and in your relationships with others, can estrange you from the place you actually feel most yourself. It’s ok just to exist, and not everyone needs to know about all of your feelings, just maybe the ones that are hurting you to keep inside. 

Sagittarius- You are the proverbial wanderer, and don’t let anyone stand in your way, but remember to look down at your feet as you are a-walking, don’t destroy the insects and flora the live underneath. Like The Fool card, we don’t want you jumping off any cliffs in an effort to get free. As much as these times might feel like “my way or the highway”, as much as it may seem like individualism is your personal path forward, you DO need other people, Sag! And you have a lot to learn. Don’t stray from this openness, desire for wisdom. These are the qualities that both make you strong, and forage a connection to those who want to be close to you. 

Capricorn- We know you can be cold, you can be strict, and at your worst, you can use shame and dogma to control yourself and others. We also know that when we tell you this, your secret world of empathy and emotions becomes inflamed, because deep down you are afraid that you are the problem. Capricorn, Pluto has been teaching you this for 16 years- so now is a time for self compassion and forgiveness. Of course you’ve made mistakes, but your redeeming quality is your commitment to accountability. Sea goat, we know you are always trying hard to be a kinder, gentler, more authentic you. 

Aquarius- Some of us are in the gutter but we are all looking at the stars, said Oscar Wilde, and you’ve been looking at those stars Aquarius, ignoring the larger discussions around the reality of these times. This might be when you are forced to pick up the mirror. For Pluto comes for you next, and we know that you always want to create, you want to be the inventor of all things- we know that your sense of humor can be edgy and dark. But step into your ego right now and you’ll be in for a rude awakening. Think of this as a time to be generous, but also to build your own assets in case of the unthinkable. Pluto waits for no one. 

Pisces- Sometimes you like to dream of how things could be, what they maybe were like in the fantasy of the past. This is your skill, to create magic in the mundane. But don’t allow the fantasy you create and uphold to shelter you from the realities of your life. Be weary of parties, substances, or on the flip side, too much isolation. Be aware of the words you choose, and how you deliver them- and don’t let others take advantage of you. You may be too quick to see yourself as an innocent victim, when the doors you opened you did so by choice. This is, however, a great time to write and create art to reflect on the times you are living through.