King Clone Creosote: Capturing the Essence of the World' Oldest Plant on the Uranus/Mars/North Node Conjunction in Taurus

Creosote  (larrea tridentata) is a plant you have probably seen if you’ve ever traveled through the southwest- along highways winding through what appear to be desolate landscapes, there are networks of these bushes- appearing brown and greasy in the hotter months, after a rainstorm their unmistakable sweet and pungent smell brings the desert to life, and they blossom hundreds of yellow star shaped flowers. 

Sometimes when something is everywhere, it can appear to be nowhere at all- that’s one way to think of how creosote exists across the so-called Mojave, Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts. But Creosote is unique in it’s specific resilience to desert life and lack of water. It needs some annual rainfall in order to flower, but it’s roots are resourceful in finding water deep in the desert floor. It’s strong smell is a result of the oils and resins in the plant, which also make the plant a highly medicinal one, hence it’s nickname “La Gobernadora”, or the governess in Spanish. 

flowering creosote outside death valley- taken on analog camera

Creosote (or chaparral, the name of the plant when used for medicine) is a powerful antibacterial and antiviral, with a history of wide usage by the Coahuila and Serrano tribes of what’s now known as the Southern California desert. Creosote can be taken internally for pain relief, reducing a fever, or fighting off intestinal microbes. However, internal use is not always recommended as the oils which make creosote so powerful can be toxic. Therefore, I recommend working with chaparral topically- carrying an oil or hydrosol for first aid, topically or fresh in a bath to reduce pain are some of it’s most powerful uses. 

Chaparral flower essence is also very powerful in opening up the unknown within us all. It was one of the first essences i made during my first spring living in Joshua Tree in 2019- the essence is powerfully awakening, as it shows us the ways in which our intuition and psychic abilities may be blocked by our own insecurities or self limiting beliefs due to early trauma. Because of the way that this essence can potentially bring up some intensity, I mixed the first essence I made into a rose glycerin, to hold the heart when uncovering deep trauma. 

Creosote is magical too because due to it’s ability to create offshoots, or clones, it is one of the oldest living things on planet earth. More specifically, one plant known as King Clone Creosote, is thought to be around 11,700 years old- making it the oldest living planet. 

I am lucky to live only about a 30 minute drive from this plant, and yet in nearly 4 years of living in here, I had yet to see it for myself- until July 30th, 2022 - the eve of the North Node in Taurus’ conjunction with Uranus & Mars. Finding the plant isn’t easy, as it’s amongst hundreds of acres of creosote bushes which appear identical to one another, and to prevent careless destruction of this sacred plant by off roaders, it sits behind a thing wire fence. 

This afternoon, I delicately stepped through the fence and with intention and respect, walked towards the ring of Creosote bushes. The King! 

One thing I learned back in 2019, from a vision while deep in the grief of having just lost a dear friend in an accident, was how unique each Creosote bush is if you stop to observe them. Each one with it’s personality, gender and individual story. There was something uniquely mythical about this specific ring of Creosote bushes, though. As I approached it was hot, Mojave afternoon mid summer, but the breeze was cool, and in the distance the sky looked like a navy blue and sea colored oil painting, wild with monsoon season. 

I introduced myself to the ring of creosote, named my ancestors and that I am a vistor on the land. I explained that I would place a glass bowl of water beneath the plant and sit in silence for a moment with it. I often make no pick essences (which do not damage the plant even minimally, as the practitioner doesn’t need to take any part of the plant to make it) by pouring drops of water onto the plant and allowing the water to fall back into the bowl. In those moments I focused on the breeze pushing the water droplets to chaotically stumble and shatter as they met the hardened, greasy leaves. 

Often, making an essence is a unique experience all on it’s own. The messages that flow through when making the essence can often be very different from the experience of working with the essence itself, though. I left King Clone feeling so full in a different kind of way. Like I had been intiated- having stepped through a portal in time, leaving with a coat of silver on my skin.

The word ‘resilient’ gets so overused, as those of us living with systemic privilege under capitalism by the same things we often claim to reject. But then there is the resilience in nature, an ability to simply be, without identity, ego, or even thought. To just grow as a living thing should. I left that valley feeling full of something totally new, with my little bottle of half an ounce of water, having just met this magical plant. 

creosote bush photographed by me in 2020 on color slide film, full moon in background

King Clone Creosote Essence Case Study

I’ve been doing case studies for the last couple of years on my patreon- sending willing participants a bottle to work with for seven days in exchange for their thoughts. About a week before the New Moon in Virgo, I shipped my seven participants their essences, asking for them to take one or two drops each day, around the same time of day, and make note of what came through. Then, after between five and ten days, take a moment to reflect back on how the messages came together, and what may have shifted during their time with the essence. 

I said that I would be starting with the New Moon, although I started almost a week after that- feeling the lull of the dog days of desert summer slowing down all my plans. I think too that there was a strange anticipation in working with this essence, almost a fear. Now I see that the shift was for my highest benefit, as I feel like this essence awakened and evolved me. 

The first time I took the essence I remember a feeling of deep comfort in my body- relaxing into myself, the nagging pain dissipated and I could feel the distance between my skin, bones and muscles. It almost felt comical, an existential chuckle at how wondrous and strange it is to be a human being. Days two and three didn’t seem remarkable, but I did get a sense of peace and acceptance apon taking the essence. 

Some essences come through with some profound message in the first seconds of using it- others it takes a period of time working with it to feel something substantial. For the king clone creosote, it wouldn’t all make sense until I realized I had been taking the essence for nearly three weeks (two weeks longer than I generally take any essence in a daily practice). The time in which I worked with the essence I became so connected to and pulled towards it’s energy. A great power of transformation lifted me up and out of so many self limiting beliefs. Many things I thought I had laid to rest came back around- imposter syndrome, self doubt, feelings of unworthiness and overall being “bad”. But these things were not embedded deeply within me; they sat beside me, shells of former selves. I experienced a deep forgiveness of younger me’s- me’s that acted unconsciously with the harmful and maladaptive tools that they had access to. Now, I was grounded. 

Lots of change came through into my life, too. Big shifts and blessings, challenges which I left capable of taking on. Finally, two nights ago, before I started writing this, I decided that I needed to say goodbye to king clone creosote for awhile. I felt strong, grounded, confident, wise, and free of toxic shame. I was afraid, that like an herbal supplement or medication, that if I stopped taking the essence I would go back into the depression I had been experiencing for the better part of a year before making the essence, that I would need to take it everyday to maintain this magical feeling. Then I realized, it wasn’t the essence at all. King Clone Creosote helped me tap into that ancient knowing inside of myself, to have pride and care for my mortal body and my thinking mind. And that the essence and the plant itself would be there if I ever needed to go back. 

Of the folks I sent the essence to, I received 7 responses. Each person who worked with the essence reported similarly that they had a powerful experience. Of the 7 people, 3 people mentioned feeling a sense of peace and calm from the essence, just as I had experienced. 

Liz, who took the picture above, got intense perspective from King Clone, dreaming of an old empty book. She remembered that she had wanted to illustrate a tarot deck, and her confidence was revived- feeling that the dream of an old book was an invitation to draw her deck. As she endured human struggle, a voice from the essence told her “no bitch you are powerful”. 

Likewise, Victoria was reminded by the plant that she was cycling back to reexperiencing events in 2018, but from a stronger place- realizing how far shes come. With Uranus, Mars and the North Node transiting her fourth house, she received communication from family after not being in contact for years, and her fire alarm and stove experienced malfunctioning- totally attributing it to the energetic power of the essence. 

Iruka took the essence and saw a mountain with a circle in the center, one which you can step into for inquiry or protection- a feeling of activation from the stars. “Activation of mythic library energy,” she said. 

Shelley felt immenseness and timelessness, a deep remembering that they are just a tiny speck of all the overlapping timelines of extinction and rebirth. A feeling that time isn’t real. The world is on fire, step up and get right, were the words King Clone uttered.

Amy felt the energy begin in her head and move towards the core- a feeling of a cave opening inside of her, but within it a deep stillness. Over working with it, she felt less bothered by small irritations. 

Christina also had a peaceful experience with the essence- starting that it felt like a deep comfort, a golden yellow mist surrounding her, swirls of green and brown. She felt forgiveness and understanding after taking it. 

Lauren noticed that sound of an old man yawning when taking the essence, “grandfather energy”, as she described it. Going through her own trauma healing journey, she felt a deep acceptance of the lack of control in her situation. Like Shelley, a feeling of perspective around the world and current problems being small in the long run. 

Overall, I knew making this essence would be a powerful experience, but I wasn’t quite sure how powerful it would be or in what ways. I feel so honored to have met this plant, and I know I will return with offerings and to give thanks. King Clone Creosote taught me so much about what it means to be human upon this earth. 

If you’d like to try working with this essence yourself, I have some in stock here

Interested in working with me to get a custom flower essence? book an appointment for a more in depth consultation of what flowers, plants and energies may be the most healing for you. 

Learn More:

The Mojave Project

Creosote Ethnobotany

Creosote- The Aroma of Rain

Creosote- Digital Desert