tarot, astrology, ritual, joshua tree

photo by penelope valentine

Corinna Rosella

tarot readings, astrology, flower essence consults, grief & ancestral rituals, herbalism and tarot classes

Before first opening the shop in December of 2022, Corinna worked had a tarot practice, podcast and apothecary under the name “rise up! good witch” and taught a tarot course called “tarot school for liberation” between 2017-2022. previously they worked as a community organizer, social worker, harm reductionist, youth counselor and ESL teacher amongst other things. Corinna first started reading tarot for others around 2010, and has been learning about and working with herbal medicine since 2006. Corinna began studying evolutionary astrology in 2016 and continued on to learn medical astrology, astroherbology, ancestral studies and flower energetics.

Corinna’s readings are not about looking at the past or the future, but about potential pathways forward into healing and choice. During a reading, we will pull oracle and tarot cards and call about ancestral and spirit guides for messages to integrate into ritual and daily routines to gain clarity and seek healing.

tarot, oracle, ritual


tarot readings, group rituals

Jaya (she/her) is a tarot reader and artist currently living on Yuhaaviatam/Maarenga’yam (Serrano) land Joshua Tree, California. Her practice began over 5 years ago but she began uncovering the mysteries of tarot since she was a teenager. The main focus of her readings is finding personal liberation through connection to self. 

tarot, joshua tree, tarot reading


tarot readings, witchCRAFT workshops

Mary Evans is an artist and intuitive whose work focuses on communications with the spirit realm. Most known for her work in modern new age, Evans has self-published seven tarot and oracle card decks under the moniker Spirit Speak. The Whitney Museum, Vogue Magazine, and Oprah Magazine have recently acknowledged these works. “My belief is that most people have access to psychic ability and in fact, it is quite natural to experience these senses. My projects have acted as tools for the participants to witness and explore their clairvoyant abilities.”

Mary’s approach to tarot is informed by her studies of hypnosis, with the understanding that we can apply the subconscious mind to make positive changes to our emotional body and everyday experiences with a priority on the experience of joy.


tarot readings, custom candle spells

Yasmeen is a psychic and empath with over 30 years of tarot and candle magick experience. She has read in professional spaces in both Los Angeles and New York. She was lucky enough to connect with and learn from some of the most renowned magickal personalities in the city and began making candles guided by their teachings. In Los Angeles, in addition to reading tarot, she has taught classes on tarot and witchcraft and led guided meditations. 

Yasmeen is available by appointment for 15, 30 and 60 minute tarot readings. She uses tarot combined with a pendulum to help her clients see their unique situation more clearly.  In addition, she is available for 30 minute custom candle consultations. During that consultation, you can explain to her any issues that might need a little energy sent their way and she will anoint, carve and add glitter to your design as well as recommend the best way to burn your new magickal candle.


tarot readings

Hi! I’m Megan. I’ve been reading for about six years now. While I was beginning learning how to read I found out that my great grandmother read tarot too which really helped me connect with the cards. Since then I’ve done readings at pop-ups, private bookings and have been learning to connect the tarot with herbalism. Each card holds so many lessons and that is how I like to approach my readings. What advice can the cards give you? Every reading is different and there’s so much the cards can tell you about what next step to take and how to better listen to your own divine intuition. 


tarot readings

Cherry is a second generation witch who's been slingin' cards since she was 13... aka over 25 years. Think of her like your unofficial guidance counselor from the universe who is especially skilled at helping you get "unstuck." She's great at seeing the metaphorical 'new pants' sticker left on the back of your jeans that you forgot to remove. Cherry is a projector in the Human Design system; her energy is geared towards seeing deep into your center to pull out what you currently struggle with the most. 

She pioneered the unique "Rainbow Reading" methodology of tarot reading: you pick a color and that's the deck of hers that wants to work with you. Depending on the session, some oracle decks might want to work with you too. Once the decks are ready, she'll read the cards for you to find what's clogging you up & keeping you stuck while ensuring a safe space for you to process any emotions that come up. Then, she'll use the "emotion codes" modality to take you beyond the reading and into immediate healing to clear trapped emotions discovered during your session. You'll leave the session having taken a tangible "next step" towards whatever you needed cleared, often having a HUGE emotion cleared from your system that's been weighing you down for years.

reiki, joshua tree



Haley was born and raised in Northern California in the Redwoods and near the ocean. She lived off grid for a large portion of her life in the coastal mountains. 

She was always interested in energy and healing, and other similar things like crystals and astrology. Haley has been practicing Reiki since she was 14, and got her Reiki Master certificate 10 years ago.

Reiki is a great way to let the body relax and allow itself to heal with the help of energy from the universe. It’s important to take a step back from the hustle and bustle of life and remember that we are humans here to experience amazing things. Haley believes Reiki is one of those amazing things. So, that being said, she’d love to help you heal yourself!”