In 2025, we are moving into a 9 year in numerology, which in tarot corresponds with The Hermit card.
In this workshop, we will discuss the significance of the hermit, what it means for us individually and for the collective. We will discuss the last five years and the energies of previous tarot archetypes and their corresponding years (The Emperor for 2020, The Hierophant for 2021, The Lovers for 2022, The Chariot for 2023 and Strength in 2024) We’ll also calculate our cards of the year numerologically, and reflect on what that sigificance could mean for us individually.
The workshop will also review medical astrology associations of The Hermit, The Pisces/Virgo nodal axis, and upcoming and recent outer planet transits.
Bring a notebook and a tarot deck if you’d like - pdf file available and print outs provided apon request!
Space is limited- register here!